Are you searching for a pleasantly looking houseplant? Monsteras Collection is offering you exactly what you need. The entire genus has interesting natural fenestrations that make the green leaves look stunning. So, if you want to add more beauty to your indoor garden, Monstera Laniata or Lechleriana can be a good option.
Comparing Monstera Laniata and Lechleriana can make you a bit confused at first. They have obvious similarities, but there are apparent differences too. If you want to easily distinguish between Monstera Laniata and Monstera Lechleriana, keep reading for more insight.
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What is Monstera Laniata?
This variety of Monstera is unique and pretty rare as a houseplant. Its full name is Monstera adansonii laniata. It also carries the nickname of the Swiss cheese plant. The beauty of this plant lies in the details of its leaves. They are glossy green leaves with lovely holes.
Monstera Laniata is a natural climber like many Philodendrons and Scindapsus plants. So, you can help it imitate its natural growth style by supporting it with a moss pole. The natural habitat of Monstera Laniata is the tropical rainforests of South America.
The beautiful fenestrated leaves lose their excellent gloss with age. This is why you must constantly prune the older dead leaves to make room for younger, fresh leaves.
What is Monstera Lechleriana?
Monstera Lechleriana is also another rare variety of the Monstera genus. It has very long green leaves with holes or fenestrations. However, you do not get to see these holes when the plant is still young. Under the right growing conditions, the leaves will become bigger, and the plant will develop more fenestrations.
Monstera Lechleriana is naturally found in the jungles of Central America. South American forests are home to this Monstera as well. Just like the Laniata, Lechleriana is a climber.
So, it will require some outside support like a support trellis. Despite being a rare plant, it is not very hard to get. However, it is not the most widely found variety of the monstera group.
What are the Differences between Monstera Laniata and Lechleriana?
When you look at Monstera Laniata and Monstera Lechleriana, their leaves can trick you into believing they are the same plant. However, a closer look can be revealing. The leaves can be easily set apart. Also, there are a few differences in terms of care and maintenance.
1. Fenesterations in Younger plants
Both plants are fenestrated, and the holes are big enough to be easily spotted. However, you can easily set the plants apart through these fenestrations.
Younger plants can vary a lot when it comes to fenestrations. Young Laniata has small fenestrations, while Lechleriana does not have any fenestrations at all.
In some cases, the Lechleriana will have some fenestrations while still young. But don’t worry, you can still easily recognize both fenestrated plants. Younger Lechleriana will be a bit bigger and be round rather than oval. The younger Laniata has oval yet smaller fenestrations.
2. Fenestrations in Grown plants
In mature plants, fenestrations in both plants become different. A mature Laniata will have larger oval holes that spread across the leaf surface from the midrib to the edges.
The fenestrations of a grown Lechleriana will have a combination of tiny round and oval holes. But the fenestrations are not everywhere on the leaf surface. They are only near the midrib.
3. Plant size
The Monstera Laniata plant is smaller than the Lechleriana. This applies to growing indoors or in their native regions. The size of a mature Laniata ranges between 1 and 1.5 meters long indoors. A mature Lechleriana can exceed 2 meters indoors when given ideal growing conditions.
4. Leaf size
Both plants have glossy green leaves with a leathery touch. However, they vary in their dimensions. Typically, a grown Laniata will have wider leaves, while the Lechleriana will have longer ones. The longest Laniata leaves will be around 60 cm long, while Lechleriana’s leaves can be about 1 meter long.
5. Fertilizing
Both plants are not difficult to care for, but they will need different levels of attention. Generally, it is easier to maintain a Lechleriana plant. Lechleriana won’t require regular fertilization the way Laniata does.
Laniata needs fertilizers with higher concentrations of nitrogen. It must be fertilized each month during the growing season. You can do the same for Lechleriana, but you should not maintain a regular feeding routine.
6. Watering
Both plants love moderate watering levels, like Golden Goddess and Lemon Lime. But the timing of watering varies. Usually, a Laniata will need water weekly. Lechleriana, on the other hand, will need watering every 10 days. During winter, Lechleriana might need water every two weeks.
7. Humidity
Another breaking point in comparing Monstera Laniata and Lechleriana is the humidity level. Both of them like humidity, but Laniata needs increased humidity levels. The ideal humidity range for a healthy Monstera Laniata is between 65 and 90%. Lechleriana, on the other hand, will thrive when it is at least 40% humid.
Monstera Laniata vs Monstera Lechleriana: are they the same?
No, Monstera Laniata and Monstera Lechleriana are not the same plants. They have many apparent similarities that lead to common confusion. However, they are not identical. You can take a long look at their green leathery fenestrated foliage to identify the basic differences.
Younger plants show a noticeable difference in their fenestration patterns. Lechleriana leaves may not have fenestrations until they are mature. Even if they had any holes, they would be round, while the Laniata have oval holes.
The fenestration pattern is a major point in comparing Monstera Laniata and Lechleriana. The Laniata plant can have fenestrations all over the leaves. Fenestrations on Lechleriana leaves are more limited to the area near the leaf’s center. As for size, you can recognize the Lechleriana as the bigger plant.
Lechleriana has larger leaves, too, while the Laniata leaves are wider. Also, the plants are quite different in terms of growing conditions. Despite being native to the same areas, Laniata tends to be more demanding. It needs more humidity, frequent feeding in spring and summer, and more water than the Lechleriana.